Ore Textures & Breccias: Recognition Techniques
This three-day course covers the fundamentals of textural observation and interpretation in mineralised hydrothermal systems.
The techniques used are simple, highly effective and require no specialised equipment for their implementation. The techniques are also extremely practical in that they generate numerous questions concerning the mineralisation being studied and commonly provide vectors toward mineralisation for drill testing.
Course Leader: Gavin Clarke
Gavin has over three decades experience presenting training courses on the recognition of critical alteration and textural features in mineralised systems.
Gavin completed his PhD under the supervision of Dr Roger Taylor and spent many years working with Roger and delivering courses to undergraduate and post-graduate students, and to industry professionals in Australia and overseas. He has also spent many years exploring for mineralised systems, with a focus on gold and base metal mineralisation associated with intrusions.
The course uses an extensive suite of specimens from mineral systems around the world to consider critical evaluation factors, including:
- Infill: Recognition Criteria
- Alteration: Recognition & Evaluation
- Channelways: Recognition Criteria
- Overprinting and Paragenesis: Recognition & Sequencing Criteria
- Breccia: Recognition Criteria
- Breccia: Rudimentary Classification system
- Tectonic Breccia Systems
- Intrusive Breccia Systems
- Paragenetic Core Logging
This is a course suitable for early career geoscientists and for experienced geoscientists wanting to refresh their recognition skills.
Participants will be working alongside JCU geoscience honours and postgraduate students
This course includes assessment (optional for all except JCU honours students).
Dates & Registration
Delivery Face-to-face over 3 consecutive days
Location JCU Townsville, Bebegu Yumba Campus
Course Leader Dr Gavin Clarke
Dates & Times
Tuesday 4 March to Thursday 6 March 2025
9:00am to 5:00pm daily
Professional Development 18 hours
Participation in this course may contribute to the Continued Professional Development (CPD) requirements of professional institutes.
Registration Fees
Fees per module
AUD inclusive of GST
EGRU Member $1100.00
Non Member $1760.00
AIG Member $1450.00
Student $ 400.00
Confirmation Date 17 February 2025
Registration for this course has closed.
If you have any questions please email Amanda or Kaylene