QGIS for Mineral Exploration


This course was presented in February this year.  Due to the level of interest it was offered again in June. 

Delivery   Online

Structure 4 x stand alone modules
Each module is 4.5 hours, inclusive of breaks

Course Leader  Grant Boxer, FAIG, MGSA


Module 1   Tuesday 4 June 2024

Module 2   Wednesday 5 June 2024

Module 3   Tuesday 11 June 2024

Module 4   Wednesday 12 June 2024

Daily Session Times

10:00 –  14:30 AEST (Townsville, Sydney)

08:00 –  12:30 AWST  (Perth)

Professional Development  4 hours per module

Participation in this course may contribute to the Continued Professional Development (CPD) requirements of professional institutes.

Registration Fees

Fees per module
AUD inclusive of GST

EGRU Member               $265.00
Non Member                  $365.00
AIG Member                   $310.00
Student (full-time)         $125.00

Register here

Payment & Cancellation Policy

Confirmation Date  20 May 2024

Course Leader: Grant Boxer

Grant is a consultant geologist based in Perth, Western Australia, with over 40 years’ experience in exploration and mining geology. For almost two decades he was employed by CRA Exploration, Argyle Diamonds and Rio Tinto Exploration on exploration and evaluation activities for diamonds and other commodities. Since 1998, Grant has been undertaking project generation, primarily for diamonds in Australia and overseas, carrying out GIS data compilations, project reviews, field visits, project management, and drilling and sampling program supervision.

Grant has a keen interest in GIS and remote sensing and has been a user of GIS since the mid-1990’s. He has been running QGIS courses tailored for geoscientists around Australia for many years, usually in association with the Australian Institute of Geoscientists. Grant also has a keen interest in meteorite impact structures.

Grant is a RPGeo and Fellow of the Australian Institute of Geoscientists, member of Geological Society of Australia, the Geological Remote Sensing Group, and the Meteoritical Association.





Module 1

Introduction to QGIS

Tuesday 4 June 2024

Prerequisite:  Basic knowledge of GIS

  • What is QGIS?
  • QGIS interface and menus
  • Menu bars, tool bars and panels
  • Selecting features and the attribute panel
  • Basic map making, use of templates and map legends, adding WMS
  • Creating a map and designing a print layout
  • Add map features, grid, scale bar, legend, north arrow
  • Duplicate layout and add geological map
  • Importing and display of field data (points, lines and polygons)
  • Adding field data from csv
  • CSV markers, layer properties
  • Creating forms and displaying photos


Module 3

Working with Drillhole, Geochemical & Geophysical Data

Tuesday 11 June 2024

Prerequisites: Completion of Module 1 or previous knowledge of QGIS

  • Drill hole display using the Geoscience plugin
  • Geochemical data import, gridding, contouring and display
  • Geophysical data import, basic gridding and display
  • 3D Visualisation using the QGIS2Threejs plugin



Module 2

Importing, Managing & Displaying Data

Wednesday 5 June 2024

Prerequisites:  Completion of Module 1 or previous knowledge of QGIS

  • On-Line Sources for GIS data
  • gov.au, Landgate, DMIRS, Geoscience Australia
  • QuickMapServices plug-in
  • Basic editing skills, selecting data
  • Create points, lines and polygons
  • Importing GPX files
  • Importing SVG and style files, using the QGIS style manager
  • SVG geological pattern fills
  • Labelling
  • Spatial and non-spatial joins
  • Georeferencing images


Module 4

Working with Satellite Data

Wednesday 12 June 2024

Prerequisites: Completion of Module 1 or previous knowledge of QGIS

  • Satellite data, data sources, NASA and ESA data portals
  • Download, display and basic processing of ASTER, Landsat and Sentinel 2 data
  • Band combinations for enhancing geology and regolith in satellite imagery


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