Current higher degree research projects include studies investigating  tectonic and metallogenic characteristics of mineralised terranes,
seismic signatures and mineral systems, mineral chemistry as a vector to mineralisation, and structural controls on mineralisation.

Projects are usually carried out in collaboration with exploration and mining companies and/or with government geoscience organisations.

Gabriel Cellier

The role of host rock on the trace element geochemistry of chalcopyrite, pyrite and albite – implications for vectoring and fingerprinting ore deposits

This project is investigating the trace element composition of chalcopyrite, pyrite, and albite from multiple copper deposits in the Mount Isa region, northwest Queensland.
The project aims to understand the role of host rock in the trace element composition of these minerals, as well to assess the viability of using their mineral chemistry as a tool when exploring for Iron-Oxide Copper Gold and Sediment-Hosted Copper deposits by analysing their footprint, fingerprint, and vectoring potential.
The analysed data obtained in this project will be integrated into a database to serve as a tool for mineral exploration.

Supervisors: A/Prof. Ioan Sanislav, Dr Avish Kumar, Dr Alex McCoy-West

Partners: Geological Survey of Queensland, MIM/Glencore, Anglo American Exploration, South32.

Timothy Hicks

Improving the efficacy of clastic reservoir characterisation by hierarchical and multivariate analysis of geochemical metrics

Geological modelling of clastic reservoir systems relies on robust fine-resolution correlations between wells, fields, and outcrops.  Those correlations constrain the interpretation of stratigraphic position for the critical geological architectural elements.
In the construction and application of static and dynamic reservoir model decks, it is important that the interpretive freedom of the reservoir architecture is narrowed during the field appraisal phase.  Similar drivers exist across the span of reservoir development sub-disciplines – i.e. hydrocarbon development, helium extraction, later-life CO2 sequestration, and hydrothermal co-generation projects.
To facilitate the construction of efficient reservoir models, it is imperative that geologists can confidently define their interpretations using the limited datasets available in greenfield settings.  The research will explore applied chemostratigraphic techniques for interpreting the correlatable aspects of reservoir architecture.  By interrogating the chemostratigraphic indicators, we will seek to explore whether non-unique correlation solutions might be compared by applying multivariate and hierarchical analysis techniques to element-geochemical data.

Supervisors: Dr Espen Knutsen, Prof. Eric Roberts

Jonghyun Lee

The critical mineral potential of the Kennedy Igneous Association: petrogenesis, tectonic setting and metallogeny

The Kennedy Igneous Association consists of widespread, voluminous intrusive and extrusive, predominantly felsic, and silicic magmatism throughout northern Queensland during the Carboniferous and Permian. It is a discontinuous belt of pluton, hypabyssal porphyry system, dyke and felsic volcanic fields emplaced into Proterozoic and Paleozoic provinces. It is composed of mainly I-type igneous rocks, with some S-type magmatic rocks, and minor A-type granitoids rocks.
This project aims to research the relationship between the magmatic activity associated with the Kennedy Igneous Association and critical mineral occurrences in north Queensland to enhance the exploration and discovery of new mineral deposits in the region. This project will consist of fieldwork, laboratory analyses (major and trace element geochemistry, age dating, isotopic studies), modelling of magmatic processes, and the development of a metallogenic framework to understand the distribution and potential for critical minerals in north Queensland.

Supervisors: A/Prof. Ioan Sanislav, Dr Helen McCoy-West

Partner: Geological Survey of Queensland

Elizabeth Marino Morejon

The role of deformation on trace element geochemistry of chalcopyrite pyrite and albite – implications for vectoring and fingerprinting ore deposits

Vectoring potential for Cu exploration in the Mount Isa Region aims to investigate how different deformation types influence the geochemical behaviour of pyrite and chalcopyrite.
Focusing on copper deposits in the Mount Isa Inlier, the study will assess how trace element concentrations vary in undeformed, brittle, and ductile zones.
Through detailed petrographic, geochemical (EPMA, ICP-MS) and structural analyses (Synchrotron XRF and EBSD mapping) analyses, the project seeks to determine if deformation-related changes in pyrite and chalcopyrite can serve as reliable tools for mineral exploration. By understanding these geochemical patterns, the research aims to improve exploration strategies for copper deposits in structurally complex regions.

Supervisor: A/Prof. Ioan Sanislav, Dr Avish Kumar, Dr Melanie Finch

Partners:  Geological Survey of Queensland, MIM/Glencore, Anglo American Exploration, South32

Sutthida Noptalung

The structural, stratigraphy and tectonic settings of the southern part of the Western Succession, Mt Isa Inlier, with implications for sediment-hosted Zn-Pb-Ag±Cu deposits

This project uses field mapping, structural analyses, geochronology, and geochemistry to investigate the stratigraphy, basin evolution and tectonism in the southern part of Mt Isa Inlier.
The northern part of Mt Isa Inlier hosts numerous Zn-Pb-Ag deposits and was the focus of numerous studies. The southern part of Mt Isa Inlier contains a similar stratigraphic and tectonic evolution, but no mineral discoveries are known from this region. In this study, the assumption of continuity of stratigraphy and tectonism across the Western Succession will be tested. If this assumption is valid, the potential conditions for Zn-Pb-Ag±Cu mineralization in the southern part will be assessed.

Supervisors: A/Prof. Ioan Sanislav, Dr Helen McCoy-West

Catherine Nyakecho

Structural control on Cu-Au-REE mineralisation, the relationship between magmatism, skarn formation, and mineralization at Elaine Dorothy, NW QLD

The Elaine Dorothy prospect, with the potential for Cu-Au-REE-U skarn mineralisation, is located 60km east-southeast of Mt Isa on the western limb of the Mary Kathleen Syncline, adjacent to the N-S trending Mary Kathleen Zone.
The deposit is hosted by the metasediments and calcic skarns of the Paleoproterozoic Corella Formation (1750-1742 Ma), which manifests a complex history of metasomatic alteration and deformation. The calc-silicate rocks are locally interlayered with marble, quartzites, meta-dolerite, amphibolite, and biotite schists, with garnet-pyroxene, diopside-scapolite-feldspar-albite, and wollastonite as the main mineral assemblages.
The primary focus of this PhD project will be to establish the structural control on Cu-Au-REE mineralisation and define the genetic relationship between calc-alkaline magmatic activity, skarn formation, and ore deposition.

Supervisors: A/Prof. Ioan Sanislav, Dr Daniel Wiemer, Dr Melanie Finch

Alanis Olesch-Byrne

The role of structurally-controlled saline fluid flow in the formation of Australia’s Rare Earth Element deposits

Supervisors: Dr Melanie Finch, A/Prof. Ioan Sanislav

Sirirat Pulkasem

The geotourism potential of abandoned mines in Queensland: Mary Kathleen area

After decades of mineral resource discoveries and mining several Australian mines were abandoned. However, the mines revealed underground geological formations and produced a distinctive environment. The mining districts also maintain the remnants of prosperity from when the mining business developed, providing significant information about the mine’s history and the stories of those who moved there for resources. In the late 20th century, “geotourism” became popular. Geotourism incorporates geoconservation principles into the environment, geology, history, culture, way of life, and education for sustainable development. It promotes tourists and the local economy.
This study examines abandoned mines in the Mary Kathleen area, Queensland, by surveying and assessing geology, environment and safety, tourism routes, impacts, and other variables. The project will evaluate geotourism, mining tourism, and geopark development using Australian strategies and regulations and UNESCO’s concept. The study’s findings could guide regional tourism development.

Supervisor: A/Prof. Ioan Sanislav

Maryi Rodriguez-Cuevas

Tectono-Magmatic and Metallogenic Evolution of South Peru: Spatial-Temporal and Genetic Constraints on Cu-and Au-Rich Mineral System formation within Trans- Lithospheric Structural Corridors

Large parallel trans-lithospheric faults (TLFs) associated with magmatic arcs have been identified as a primary order control of metal-bearing magmas and ore fluids. However, the relationship between the genesis and along strike distribution and clustering of ore deposits within a magmatic arc remains controversial.
The southern Peruvian Andes host several world-class Phanerozoic Cu- and Au-rich mineral resources mined from a variety of deposit types, including Cu-Mo-Au porphyry and associated polymetallic skarn and epithermal Au-Ag, as well as orogenic Au. The evolution of the western South American margin is characterised by tectonic cycles of convergence and extension, involving multiple reactivated TLFs, and records >1 billion years of tectonic history.
In this PhD study, a multi-method approach will be used, including detailed structural analysis, combined with U-Pb/Hf-O isotopic analyses and trace elements in zircon to absolute age constraining, fertility evaluation, and identification of distinct magmatic sources. The study will also provide the most useful proxies and target criteria for advanced exploration strategies within tectonically complex areas.

Supervisors: Dr Daniel Weimer, A/Prof Ioan Sanislav

Samantha Russo

Understanding REE ion adsorption clay deposits: Deposit formation, trace element and Nd stable isotope systematics

The exponential demand of a ‘high- and green-technology’ future calls upon increased production of critical elements, such as rare earth elements (REE). The majority of REE are sourced through carbonatites, which are the result of high-temperature magmatic processes and/or low-temperature surface processes (e.g., weathering). However, mining and processing of carbonatites poses significant environment risks, such as high content of environmental contaminants (U and Th) and water usage. Therefore, global interest in REE ion adsorption clay deposits (IACD) has surged as a result of their easier extraction of REE and lower environmental impacts.
This project aims to better understand IACD through applying the mineral systems approach, as well as characterise their stable isotope footprint and optimise IACD sequential extraction methodologies.

Supervisors: Dr Alex McCoy-West, Dr Helen McCoy-West, Dr Ignacio Gonzalez-Alvarez

Hugo Serra

Genesis of the Ravenswood gold deposit, NE Queensland

Ravenswood is the largest gold mine in Queensland with a total endowment (resource + reserve) of around 8 Moz Au. This research project aims to provide a better understanding of the deposit genesis within the regional settings to influence exploration activities in the near-mine/greenfield environment and to promote resource growth.

The project will investigate:
Geological setting: identify the relationship between regional and deposit structures.
Intrusions/Alteration/Mineralisation paragenesis.
Absolute timing of intrusive events in relation to alteration, structures, and mineralisation.
Absolute timing of gold mineralisation.

Supervisors: A/Prof. Ioan Sanislav, Dr Daniel Wiemer, Steve Harper, Dr Brett Davis

Shahed Shahrestani

Integrating iron oxidation state and trace element geochemistry in minerals to delineate alteration haloes and vector towards mineralisation

This research strives to manifest the iron oxidation states in minerals as a new proxy for vectoring toward mineral deposits. Through the application of electron probe microanalysis (EPMA) calibrated with Fe²⁺- and Fe³⁺-rich standard minerals (e.g. garnet, biotite, amphibole, and magnetite), the research will quantify oxidation state variations in minerals which are sampled at different distances from mineralised zones in IOCG, porphyry, and hydrothermal-related deposits. The study will finally explore the relationship between the iron oxidation states, trace element contents, and spatial proximity to mineralisation. Additionally, this approach will be scaled regionally, proposing a novel geochemical tool for mineral exploration.

Supervisor: A/Prof. Ioan Sanislav, Dr Yang Liu, Dr Avish Kumar, Dr Kevin Blake

Swastik Shinde

Interrogating the Rare Earth Element potential of Queensland’s IOCG deposits

Iron Oxide Copper Gold (IOCG) deposits, part of the bigger copper gold iron (CGI) mineralization system and crucial sources of copper and gold, are characterized by high iron oxide content. Some of the IOCG deposits show enrichments in rare earth elements (REE) and uranium. Despite their economic importance, debates continue around the formation mechanisms of IOCG deposits and the source of REE enrichment.
This project will focus on Queensland’s IOCG deposits – located in the Mount Isa region of Northwest Queensland—using apatite as a key mineral to explore IOCG formation processes, the origin of REEs, factors influencing REE concentration (why some IOCGs are REE-rich while others are not), and the timing of the associated alteration events.
Additionally, other REE-hosting minerals will be examined to assess the REE potential of Queensland’s IOCG deposits.
This research aims to enhance understanding of IOCG formation and refine current models regarding REE enrichment in these deposits.

Supervisors: Dr Alex McCoy West, Dr Avish Kumar, A/Prof Ioan Sanislav, Dr Alkis Kontonikas-Charos

Partners:  Geological Survey of Queensland, MIM/Glencore, Anglo American Exploration, South32

Danastri Tampubolon

Deep seismic lines in North Queensland: revealing the geological and tectonic structure for a better understanding of mineral systems and critical mineral potential

Northern Queensland is rich in mineral deposits making it an important area for mining and exploration. The Mount Isa Inlier is a prominent producer of minerals but host rocks are partially concealed under sediments.
This research project aims to utilise various types of geophysical data gathered by the Geological Survey of Queensland to reconstruct the geological features in the shallow surface of Northern Queensland, by integrating and analysing the measurements within an interdisciplinary computational framework. Machine learning methods will be employed to reprocess the geophysical data, and the project will create innovative algorithms to constrain the geophysical characteristics of various tectonic formations and identify different crustal domains. The geophysical data will then be integrated with other remote sensing data, bulk rock properties, and regional geology, to develop a geological and metallogenic approach for exploration targeting in areas undercover.

Supervisors: Dr Lauren Waszek,  A/Prof. Ioan Sanislav

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